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Ore Reserve Evaluation

Estimation and Economics

We support owners to generate an estimate of the tonnage and average grade of ore reserve which act as a basis for placing a value on a mining property.

We are flexible in providing periodical or-reserve estimates (mostly annually) to the operating companies to determine their ore-reserve position for decision-making like operating policy expansion or contraction of operations, capital expenditure and allocation of funds.

Estimation and Economics

Feasibility Studies

Our experts are highly skilled in economic evaluation of mines, estimation of ore reserves, determining deposit grades, testing extraction methods and developing feasibility studies, which are used to determine whether mine development should commence based on commercial viability and financial availability.

Feasibility Studies

Benefits of Ore Reserve Evaluation

Viability and cash flow are paramount factors in every project. Ore Reserve Evaluation is a crucial step involved in a mine life cycle to analyse the available mineral resources and ore reserves which helps in determining the viability of operations and is the main source of cash inflow.
  • Drives Value
  • Investment Decision Support
  • Government Permissions
  • Acquiring Funding
  • Production Planning
  • Financial Forecasting

Related Insights

Ore Reserve Estimation

Ore-reserve estimates are based upon the results of exploration and development and analyses of the samples derived therefrom. Unless a deposit is fully developed (and even then, to a lesser degree), certain assumptions have to be made regarding the continuity and grade of ore between exposed faces or drill holes that have been sampled.

Ore Reserve Estimation

Our Value Proposition

Our specialists interpret available information and are able to provide accurate results. We combine the assay values of the samples and interpret the geological criteria and consider the influence of structural conditions on continuity and grade of ore, including loss of ore in mining, dilution with waste which, in turn, may depend on the mining method employed or to be employed, and the cost of mining, which could be used as an important factor in determining the minimum grade of rock that can be classed as ore.

Our Value Proposition

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